Terms and Conditions


The website iidotsshop.com is part of Next gen Scious Pvt. Ltd. Hence, terms used here as “our”, “us”, and “we” represents Next gen Scious Pvt. Ltd. All services and information stated on this website are provided under iidotsshop purview. Visiting this website, an individual agrees to our policies, conditions, services, terms, and usage mentioned in detail.

All terms and conditions cited apply to every person who decides to visit our site. Also, it applies to anyone purchasing any commodity from us as well as other people including product makers, merchants, users, and vendors. Therefore, it is suggested to go through our terms and conditions minutely before visiting/using our website. People who don’t agree with such terms should avoid using iidotsshop’ site.

Any new commodity or information added on our website is subjected strictly to usage terms we have set for everyone. Anyone looking to check out updated Terms and Conditions can check our website in detail. Moreover, we are solely responsible for modifying, updating, and reviewing any term or condition without sending any prior notification to individuals. Thus, it is a visitor’s responsibility to check out terms and conditions whenever visiting the website.

A. Terms for online store

When an individual accepts terms and conditions set by us, he/she is confirming that the person is of 18 years or older or the maturity age considered by a state, country, etc.

A person shouldn’t use any commodity or services from us for any illegal or unauthorized activities. Also, using these conditions, one should ensure that he/she isn’t violating any jurisdictional law that applies to a person.

In addition, people mustn’t share or spread any bugs, viruses, or something hazardous. Any breach of such terms and conditions will lead to immediate stoppage of services from us and the account can also be suspended or banned permanently.

B. Commodities and services

Particular services and products will be available through our website only and consist of limited quantity as well as its return or exchange are subject to our policies. We display our products to the best accuracy possible; however, color and images revealed on a device’s screen might differ slightly from its original variant.

C. Data’s accuracy, comprehensiveness and period

The information provided on our website is universal and not the only knowledgeable source available. Thus, an individual should consult other sources before deciding to acquire our services and products. Verifying any information found on our website should be a user’s responsibility. Moreover, our site offers a few particular historical data, which is not up-to-date and shouldn’t be used as reference facts.

By logging into our website, you approve to minutely monitor all changes that have been made.

D. Third-party terms

Information, content, services, and commodities available on this website comes from numerous other third-party sites. In addition, URL links might redirect a user to a website, which isn’t affiliated with ours. Hence, iidotsshop.com isn’t responsible for any damages, financial loss, harm, etc. caused to a person, when following such URL links from our site.